Sunday, May 30, 2010

Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?

Today I had another exciting date with Gym, the new guy in my life. Yeah, he’s foreign – hence the unusual spelling… lol. Seriously though… getting healthy - spiritually, mentally, and physically - is my new focus.


Have you ever thought that something was missing from your life? I’ve been feeling that way for quite some time and I realized that I cannot continue my existence on this Earth with a sad, broken heart. I desire a renewed passion! My main focus on getting healthy is giving up my life COMPLETELY to the Lord, from spending more time in prayer, devoting more time to reading scripture, and basically getting my life back on track. I am relinquishing control because obviously the path I was taking was only bringing me down and causing me pain and strife. Since my revelation, I now feel renewed and free… unstoppable! No feeling compares to knowing God’s unfailing, unwavering, all-consuming love for us.

Once I get my life in order I really want to get involved in ministry in some way. These past soul-searching months have made me realize that I felt more like myself (more alive?) when I was involved with Wyldlife back in high school with Steve and Kris or singing on the worship team at U-turn. Why did I switch my focus to other unimportant things? I'm praying about it... and I'm excited to see what God has in store for me. Also, I want to surround myself with people who love Jesus as much as I do and are focused on living their lives for Him!! I need more positive influences, please :)


This part is kind of personal, so I will keep it short. With all of the drama going on in my life, I am realizing that I cannot just ignore what happened as if it will just disappear. Now, I’ve been talking about what is weighing on my heart/mind to whoever will listen. Pray for my friends and family for having to listen to me! I do feel like you cannot work through your issues by pushing them aside – they must be confronted head-on! I’m working on this.

Furthering my education – I desire to get my Master’s degree in the near future. Not sure from where or really when this would happen, but it is on my to-do list. Oh yeah, and I need to take the GMAT… so I probably should start studying, huh?

Focusing on my career – can’t really go into detail at this point, but I desire a career NOT a job.


Dang – I need to lose weight! I am focusing on meeting up with Gym (foreign guy, remember?) every day in an effort to shed unwanted pounds. My fav machine is the elliptical because of my bum knee and let me tell you- cross training on that thing for an hour = amazing workout. Yeah, I am going to start peppering in weight training as well, but I’m not to that point yet.

Also, started back at Spin last week and Erika already kicked my booty. I thought I was doing so well, kept up with everyone, didn’t take unnecessary breaks… and she said to me on the way out on Thursday, “Cathy, make sure you push harder next week!”… What!??! I’m pretty sure she is determined to kill me.

Of course, eating healthy is important, too. I started the Mediterranean Diet, which was suggested to me by my doctor. Seems pretty reasonable.

I’ve been getting into my routine for the past 2 weeks and I’ve already lost 5 lbs (yay!). It may be water weight, but 5 lbs is 5 lbs to me and I will celebrate the loss!

When I lose 20 lbs, I’m going back to being a BLONDE!!!!! I am very driven to meet this goal, because I really just miss my blonde hair!

Blondes have more fun!
So true.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep up the good fight. You are worth it.

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