Friday, June 18, 2010


"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." - Luke 16:10

Honesty reveals our TRUE inner character.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am strong... I am invincible... I am WOMAN!

This week has been sorta crazy for me.. super busy at work and I've been hanging out with Gym everyday. Spin today for an hour....yes, an hour.... so needless to say I am stinkin' tired!!

Morgan and I signed up for a women's retreat for this weekend - should be interesting. I'm not sure what to expect but at least I will have Morgan with me. Oh I need a break so very badly... but I hope there is some kind of physical activity since I will be missing out on my sessions w/ Gym. :) Bringing the sneaks just in case!

Amanda came to visit me this weekend so it was awesome to get to FINALLY spend time with her. I'm pretty sure she was avoiding me... Ah, sisterly love. We ate tropical spinach salads from Lee Roy Selmons (ohhhh so heavenly.. you should try it.. yummy) and went to see Sex and the City 2!!! Loved it! Let me also use the word yummy to describe the Australian soccer team featured in the movie.. yummy.. who knows if they were really Australian, but the idea of it was good enough for me. Can anyone relate? haha Anyway, loved the story. Fashion was redonkulous as always, but what would Sex and the City be without it?

Definitely made me want to visit NYC! Just missed fleet week though.. dang it! :)

Ok well obviously I will be out of contact with the world this weekend (which I am semi-excited about?) so I will post the outcome of the retreat upon my return... wish me luck!